“Baltimore CyberTrust Root” to “DigiCert Global G2 root” - How to test ?

DEEPAK KUMPALA 191 Reputation points

Hello All,

In our current setup, we have below services

  1. Device Provisioning Service
  2. IoT Hub

Device is first communicating with "Device Provisioning Service" and then it will be routed to mapped "IoT hub". But in below document we see "Migrate to Digicert to Global G2" is support given only for IoT Hub and not given for "Device Provisioning Service".


Screenshot of the TLS certificate tab, select 'Migrate to DigiCert Global G2.'

So question is, How to we know if we are ready for migration?

Azure IoT Hub
Azure IoT Hub
An Azure service that enables bidirectional communication between internet of things (IoT) devices and applications.
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  1. AshokPeddakotla-MSFT 29,396 Reputation points

    DEEPAK KUMPALA Greetings!

    So question is, How to we know if we are ready for migration?

    Azure IoT Hub and Device Provisioning Service (DPS) use TLS certificates issued by the Baltimore CyberTrust Root, which expires in 2025. Starting in February 2023, all IoT hubs in the global Azure cloud will migrate to a new TLS certificate issued by the DigiCert Global Root G2.

    You should start planning now for the effects of migrating your IoT hubs to the new TLS certificate:

    • Any device that doesn't have the DigiCert Global Root G2 in its certificate store won't be able to connect to Azure.
    • The IP address of the IoT hub will change.

    To prepare for the migration, take the following steps before February 2023:

    User's image

    Note that, There is no manual migration option for Device Provisioning Service instances. That migration will happen automatically once all IoT hub instances have migrated. No additional action is required from you beyond having the new root certificate on your devices.

    For more information about how to test whether your devices are ready for the TLS certificate migration, see the blog post Azure IoT TLS: Critical changes are almost here.

    Also, see Migrate IoT Hub resources to a new TLS certificate root

    Hope this helps.

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