Please find below the responses:
- In Azure, there are multiple components for oracle depending on the amount of data and usage like in case if it is warehousing like Azure synapse and in case if it is for transactional purpose then Azure SQL database. And ETL tool similar to ODI would be ADF (and can be Databricks/Azure functions etc as complimentary)
- SQL Server on Azure means IaaS and Azure SQL Database is PaaS : https://medium.com/awesome-azure/azure-difference-between-azure-sql-database-and-sql-server-on-vm-comparison-azure-sql-vs-sql-server-vm-cf02578a1188#:~:text=Azure%20SQL%20Database%20offers%20Database,in%20a%20On%2DPremise%20datacenter.
- My guess is No. But I don't have much idea w.r.t stretch database
- yes, you can create Stored procs in Azure SQL DB
- based on the purchase model you choose , it depends. If you select DTU model
- It is usually Data pipeline integration run time until you leverage SSIS packages in your jobs.