Change Teams phone number

lst126 325 Reputation points

How do I change my cellphone number on Teams? The number that shows on my Teams is an old one how do I change it to the new number?

Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
A Microsoft customizable chat-based workspace.
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  1. SokiGuo-MSFT 24,696 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Hi @lst126

    Please follow these steps to change your phone number:

    1. Go to Manage how you sign in to Microsoft and sign in to your account.
    2. Select either Add email or Add phone number and we’ll take you through the process of verifying your contact details and adding it to your account.
    3. You can make the new email or phone number the primary alias by selecting Make primary.
    4. You’ll then have the option to remove the old email address or phone number from your account.
    5. To make sure your changes are reflected in Microsoft Teams (free) on your mobile device, uninstall the app and reinstall it from the Google Play Store or iOS App Store.
    6. After the app has reinstalled, sign into Microsoft Teams (free) with your new email or phone number.

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  1. Abdessalem Amari 10 Reputation points

    You go to your profile and you add or change your phone number

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