Facing an issue while using a Microsoft.Ink.InkOverlay() in our application.

17494389 5 Reputation points

Hi Team,

We are facing a issue while trying to annotate an image for our windows application.

For the image annotation we are using a InkAnnotationControl() and in that we are using Microsoft.Ink.InkOverlay() and for that InkOverlay we are passing handle. It's throwing the COM object error. For that we are trying to collect log and in log we can see the error is coming when we set _myOverlay.Enabled = true but from that log we didn't get specific error which error exactly coming from that Enabled property and we had also tried the way don't use myOverlay.Enabled property it was also not enough helpful.

We are getting bellow error message,

Inner Message: Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.
Inner HelpLink:
Inner Source: Microsoft.Ink
Inner Stack: at Microsoft.Ink.InkOverlayClass.set_Enabled(Boolean Collecting)
at Microsoft.Ink.InkOverlay.set_Enabled(Boolean value)
at SXA.Clindoc.Annotations.UI.Controls.InkAnnotationControl._InitOverlay()

So can you please assist us for the same issue it would be really helpful for us.

Windows 10
Windows 10
A Microsoft operating system that runs on personal computers and tablets.
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