I have an app that needs to work with OnPremise AD and Azure AD.. Currently we are obtaining the logged in user via a windows API. Same value can be seen when using command line tools:
Now when the user is a pure Azure AD user (I.E. machine is not joined to onpremise AD and user only exists in Azure AD) we see the following:
- whoami - azuread**surnameforename or azuread**forenamesurname
- dsregcmd / status (Executing Account Name) - azuread**surnameforename or azuread**forenamesurname and the usersemailaddress.
So here is the questions/issues:
- I've checked https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/api/resources/user?view=graph-rest-1.0 and output of graph requests and can't see an attribute for this... Am I missing something?
- The value here seems to match the displayname with any non samaccountname characters removed. However the display name is not unique. When you have 2 users with the same value you see the second user has the following suffixed added _x1as1of
Any thoughts on this, as it seems a little odd