Connection errors on Synapse

KEN 5 Reputation points


I'm encountering a lot of errors when using that synapse workspace to query the data lake storage account (Only 5-10% of my adhoc queries have been succeeding today). These all look suspisciously like network errors e.g.:

  • A transport-level error has occurred when receiving results from the server. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - The specified network name is no longer available.)
  • Database 'dataverse_xxxxxxx' on server 'xxxxx' is not currently available. Please retry the connection later. If the problem persists, contact customer support, and provide them the session tracing ID of '{xxxxxxxxx}'.
  • Cannot open database "dataverse_xxxxxx" requested by the login. The login failed.

Finding this very strange as the connection should just be from the synapse workspace to the storage account.

Azure Synapse Analytics
Azure Synapse Analytics
An Azure analytics service that brings together data integration, enterprise data warehousing, and big data analytics. Previously known as Azure SQL Data Warehouse.
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