Azure Functions Cannot Authenticate to Storage Account

Konstantinos Passadis 17,286 Reputation points

Hello all!

I am at breaking point ! I hava an Azure Functions Java deployemnt which reads changes from a CosmosDB As Input trigger binding and then it moves the data as a CSV file to Azure Storage, output binding. I have tried everything to make the Functon Authenticate , with Managed Identity , Service Principal , at the end i am getting the error:

"Exception while executing function: Functions.CosmosTrigger1 Result: Failure

Exception: Server failed to authenticate the request. Please refer to the information in the www-authenticate header. "

The Cosmos part is working fine since i can see the trigger firing , but always i come to this error when it tries to auth and write the data. I have also set many parameters as the SAS Conenction string , with and without the container , key2 , HML encode and so on.....

I have seen in the Azure AD Logs that the sign-in either with Managed Identity or with SP are showing success!!! So i would really appreciate your help ! BTW i am not a coder so this was a real struggle to reach this point .....but i am confident that someone will point me to the right direction!

Also networking is fine ( Otherwise i would not see success in the sign-n logs in AAD)

The code is here :

const { DefaultAzureCredential } = require("@azure/identity");

const { BlobServiceClient } = require("@azure/storage-blob");

const csv = require('csv-parser');

const stream = require('stream');

const moment = require('moment');


const accountName = process.env.BlobAccountName;

const containerName = process.env.BlobContainerName;

const defaultAzureCredential = new DefaultAzureCredential({

**additionallyAllowedTenants: ["*"]**


module.exports = async function (context, documents) {

**context.log(`Cosmos DB trigger function processed ${documents.length} documents`);**

**// Create a BlobServiceClient object which will be used to create a container client**

**const blobServiceClient = new BlobServiceClient(**




**// Get a reference to a container**

**const containerClient = blobServiceClient.getContainerClient(containerName);**

**// Create a new blob name**

**const blobName = moment().utc().format('YYYY/MM/DD/HH/mm/ss') + '.csv';**

**// Create an output stream to write CSV data**

**const outputStream = new stream.Writable();**

**const csvData = [];**

**outputStream._write = (chunk, encoding, done) => {**




**outputStream.getReadableStream = () => {**

    **const bufferStream = new stream.PassThrough();**



    **return bufferStream;**


**// Parse the input documents and write them to the output stream**

**for (const document of documents) {**

    **const csvRow = {**


        **'firstName': document.firstName,**

        **'lastName': document.lastName,**

        **'nickname': document.nickname**





**// Upload the CSV data to a Storage Blob**

**const blobClient = containerClient.getBlockBlobClient(blobName);**

**const uploadOptions = { blobHTTPHeaders: { blobContentType: 'text/csv' } };**

**await blobClient.uploadStream(outputStream.getReadableStream(), undefined, undefined, uploadOptions);**

**context.log(`Uploaded CSV data to blob: ${blobName}`);**


And the functions.json is this


"bindings": [


  **"type": "cosmosDBTrigger",**

  **"name": "documents",**

  **"direction": "in",**

  **"leaseCollectionName": "leases",**

  **"connectionStringSetting": "xxxxx_XXXXXX",**

  **"databaseName": "Input",**

  **"collectionName": "Signup",**

  **"createLeaseCollectionIfNotExists": true**



  **"type": "blob",**

  **"name": "outputBlob",**

  **"connection": "AzureWebJobsStorage_accountname",**

  **"path": "csvfiles/Users.csv",**

  **"direction": "out",**

  **"sasToken": {**

    **"name": "BlobSasUri",**

    **"type": "custom"**




"disabled": false,

"environment": {




**"ContainerName": "csvfiles",**

**"BlobAccountName": "XXXXXXXX"**



Microsoft Identity Manager
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Azure Functions
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Azure Blob Storage
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  1. Konstantinos Passadis 17,286 Reputation points

    I found the problem. Must add the Storage Account user.impersonation permission to the Service Principal!
