Hello McAninch, Robin
Thanks for reaching out!
List SignIns graph API retrieve the Azure AD user sign-ins for your tenant. Sign-ins where a username/password is passed as part of auth token and successful federated sign-ins are currently included in the sign-in logs. The maximum and default page size is 1,000 objects and by default, the most recent sign-ins are returned first.
There is a possibility that the number of records in API response are too high. As this API supports use of $top query parameter, so to increase the performance you can use $top query parameter. This can help in reducing/limiting the number of results in API response.
I tried below API in my test tenant and it's working smooth for me:
C# Code Snippet:
var graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(requestAdapter);
var result = await graphClient.AuditLogs.SignIns.GetAsync((requestConfiguration) =>
requestConfiguration.QueryParameters.Filter = "createdDateTime ge 2023-02-10";
requestConfiguration.QueryParameters.Top = 200;
Hope this helps.
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