I would like to automatically generate serial numbers in a Sharepoint list based on the content of selected columns in the list.
The serial number consists of three parts:
- Date
- Additional numeric number, and
- A three-letter combination
A generic sample of the serial code is: yymmdd.x.XYZ where:
"XYZ" is a variable combination of letters representing location within my organization.
"x" represents a chronological differentiation between serial numbers, to avoid copies in case a unique yymmdd and XYZ is repeated.
Serial number Date Location
231003.1.DTX 13-03-2023 DTX
231003.2.DTX 13-03-2023 DTX
231003.1.PRD 13-03-2023 PRD
- The date is available from the list´s date column, but it is automatically generated, and displayed as dd-mm-yyyy. I need the date in the serial number to be reversed and without dash separation (as shown in the example above).
- XYZ is available from the location column.
- “x” should by default be “1” and incrementally increase to avoid clones of the serial number (as shown in the example above).
Is there a formula that I can use in a calculated cell or is there any other way I can auto-generate this specific serial number? Thanks.