Why do our pre joined laptops delete (object) from AD / Adaxes after a day or two, but the computer remains on the domain?

Dylan Graff 0 Reputation points

We have an odd error happening with our pre joined surface laptops.. they come pre joined to the domain, we just have to set them up and rename them and move them to the correct OU as we have them all set to be in a "pre joined" ou. Renaming them is when I believe something breaks them but we're stumped. We get completely locked out other than whatever profiles were local. I have confirmed the laptop is the same name and on the domain physically but in AD / Adaxes its almost as if its deleted, no name, no admin groups.. nothing. Any ideas? We had to re image two so far now because of having no other option.

More info: When setting up the laptop we have them set to auto join an OU called "Computers" in which it will be named some random tag, we then rename them (on the pc) and then in AD move them to our correct ou. This again, is where I think it breaks.

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