How do I fix APT206 - failed linking file resources and APT2259 'textEnd' is incompatible with attribute iconGravity errors?
I have a Xamarin Forms application that I am migrating to MAUI and I am getting the following 2 errors during compilation.
APT2259 'textEnd' is incompatible with attribute iconGravity (attr) flags [start=1, textStart=2].
APT2061 failed linking file resources.
Based on a previous similar post, I have performed the recommended actions such as:
Ensure all SDKs are up-to-date, close VS 2022 and delete the bin and obj directories and rebuild but this has not worked
I'm not sure if this error is indicating a missing or not compatible Xamarin library.
The APT2259 is occurring in a file called "mtrl_calendar_month_navigation.xml" on line 33 (style="?attr/materialCalendarYearNavigationButton")
The APT2061 is occurring on line 156 in the Xamarin build tools (outside the project) C:\Program Files\dotnet\packs\Microsoft.Android.Sdk.Windows\33.0.26\tools\Xamarin.Android.Aapt2.targets
Here is a list of packages for the project
Thank you in advance.