Hello there,
The error occurs when the domain controller that's being demoted can't outbound replicate changes to the DC that owns the infrastructure FSMO or operational role for the partition referenced in the DCPROMO [log] error.
Specifically, the demotion attempt is aborted to safeguard against data loss. In the case of DNS application partitions, the demotion is blocked to ensure that the following data is replicated:
live and deleted DNS records
ACLS of the DNS records
metadata, such as registration and deletion dates
This article solves an issue where the demotion of a Windows Server computer that hosts the Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) or domain controller server role fails. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/troubleshoot/windows-server/identity/dcpromo-demotion-fails
Similar discussion here https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/lync/en-US/89752602-b9c1-4e87-a939-61c0a9c6852e/dcpromo-demotion-failure-could-not-transfer-the-remaining-data-in-directory-partition?forum=winserverDS
Hope this resolves your Query !!
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