@Rohit Kulkarni Hello and welcome back to Microsoft Q&A.
I understand you want more information about %run
and calling another notebook. I am less clear on your exact ask.
%run /path/to/notebook
is a meta-command which makes another notebook run. Examples and notes.
Notebooks run by %run
share execution context, so it can be used to load libraries, as I suspect your displayed code does.
runs the entire notebook. I don't think you can run only parts of a notebook.
needs an entire cell to itself. It cannot share with others. If you need to add more logic, use dbutils.notebook.run("/path/to/notebook",600)
So you can either copy-paste the commands from "abc" to your own notebook, or you can run "abc" notebook. You may need to change the path depending upon location of each notebook. If they are in the same folder path is ./abc
if subfolder of current folder ./subfolder/abc