@DCA Thank you for reaching out to Microsoft Q&A.
Based on the shared information, we have understood you have csv file which contains all the user properties like (UserPrincipalName, objectId(id) etc.,) and you need to check whether those users are present under your Azure AD tenant or not by using PowerShell.
I have written the below PowerShell Script which will import the user from csv (from your local Machine) and check whether user is present in Azure AD or not and then export to new csv file to your local machine.
$csvobjectId= Import-Csv -Path <Csvfile_stored_InLocal> | select -ExpandProperty objectId
foreach( $item in $csvobjectId){
$var=$(try{ Get-AzureADUser -ObjectId $item} catch {$null}) #condition to check user present or not
if( $var -ne $null){
$result += New-Object PSObject -Property @{ UserPrincipalName = $var.UserPrincipalName
UserExists = $UserExists
UobjectId= $item}
$result| Select UserobjectId,UserPrincipalName,UserExists| Export-Csv <path_of_newfile> -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
In my local I have created a user.csv file which has three columns ( DisplayName,UserPrincipalName,ObjectId) and I have passed objectId
to -ExpandProperty
while importing the user list from local to PowerShell.
Note: Check whether your input csv file is storing the user object id with column name as id or objectId
and make the necessary changes in line#3 in above shared script.
Feel free to reach back to me if you have any further questions on this.