Hi all, i need help , I would like to know if what I am trying to do is possible, I am using php to run an API to retrieve company data for a CRM, this API accept regular expressions to do the search, for exemple if i'm literally using “CEO”, i will match all that has the letters C, E, O within it and it is not case sensitive, i can make it precise by using the ^CEO$ regex to match just for the exact term of “CEO”, i can combine several search terms within one singular regex.
The goal, is to run a search in a SINGLE API call for several different strings like "CEO" and "OWNER" but ignoring if the target string contain a list of another strings like "assitant" and "junior" or "president".
For example :
target terms :
"OWNER", "assisant CEO", "OWNER and vice president", "CEO junior", "founder and director", "founder"
search string list :
"CEO", "OWNER", "founder"
ignore list :
"assisant", "junio", "president"
result must matche only :
"OWNER", "founder and director", "founder"
I specify that I shortened the terms to make it simple, in reality the target strings are paragraphs of text.
and there are maybe 10 strings to include and exclude.
Thank you all.