Hello there,
As you cannot find anything new in the event viewer we might need to dig deeper with the process monitor to find the exact cause.
The cause might also be that the firewall silently drops the Inbound traffic to ports UDP/1812 or UDP/1813.
On Windows Server 2019 with the NPS role installed, open an admin command prompt & run the following command:
1.sc sidtype IAS unrestricted
2.Reboot the server
3.Attempt the connection
If it still doesn't work, the following may be required:
Get-NetFirewallRule -DisplayGroup "Network Policy Server" | where DisplayName -like "RADIUS" | Set-NetFirewallRule -Service Any
And to validate:
Get-NetFirewallServiceFilter -PolicyStore ActiveStore | Format-Table - Property *
Then check if the issue was resolved.
Hope this resolves your Query !!
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