Why does OATH Software Token through Yubico Yubikey 5 NFC stops working with Azure AD MFA after a point of time?
Hello People,
So I have this setup where on my work account, I have registered for MFA with Microsoft Authenticator and then Yubico authenticator (secret in this case is stored on the YubiKey).
What happens is that after a while (say a day or two), the codes generated from my YubiKey stop working. When I enter those codes, an error message appears saying, "This is not the code which was expected. Please try again." The point to note here is that codes from Microsoft Authenticator continue to work fine.
I am not able to figure out exactly why is this happening when Microsoft uses TOTP for MFA and not HOTP.
Please help me if there is any solution to this.
Also I have other accounts on my YubiKey. They are working alright.
Thanks in advance.