I believe that the limit is the same as on a server: 1024, but not sure, so I decided to do a little test to figure it out, so I made this little PowerShell script to test it om my Windows 10 Pro:
$Name = ""
for ($num = 1 ; $num -le 1025 ; $num++)
$name = "Testserver $num"
Write-Host $Name
New-VM -Name $Name -MemoryStartupBytes 512MB -BootDevice VHD -Generation 2
The result was that I was able to create 1025 VM's plus the 6 VM's I already had, so it does not look like there is a limit, but I am not sure that I am able to turn them all on at once :-)
One thing is the VM limit, another thing you need to consider is CPU, Memory, Disk and of cause licensing of the VM's.
I hope this was helpful.
Best regards