Hi Good People,
I am trying to get a sum of all values in a specific column from SQL Database. But I keep getting an error.
The latest error is now I have to declare Scalar Variable. I have tried many ways to fix the issue. Could someone have a look at my code and tell me where I have gone wrong.
Basically I want to get a sum of a column where the date is between a Date From and a Date To then show the Value in a Textbox.
The Code I have at the Moment is Below And A Picture Below That.
Public Sub PaymentOutReceivedNet()
'Connect to Database
Using cn As New SqlConnection With {.ConnectionString = "My Connection"}
'Only show Value where the Date is between DateFrom and DateTo
Using cmd As New SqlCommand With {.Connection = cn}
' Get Values of Net where Date is between DateFrom and DateTo
SQL.AddParam("@DateFrom", GetDateFromString(TxtDateFrom.Text))
SQL.AddParam("@DateTo", GetDateFromString(TxtDateTo.Text))
cmd.CommandText = "SELECT SUM(NET) AS TOTAL " &
"FROM PaymentsOut " &
"WHERE DatePurchased between @DateFrom And @DateTo "
Dim _DateFrom As Date = GetDateFromString(TxtDateFrom.Text)
Dim _DateTo As Date = GetDateFromString(TxtDateTo.Text)
Dim sumResult = cmd.ExecuteScalar()
If IsDBNull(sumResult) Then
TxtBox7.Text = "£0.00"
'if results is found then Load TxtBox1 with result
TxtBox7.Text = FormatCurrency(sumResult)
End If
End Using
End Using
End Sub