InsertOoxml() method of content control is not working for web version of word document.
InsertOoxml() method of contentControl word office js api is not working in online Web version . Tried to get the ooxml of a sample chart from desktop and tried to run the same valid ooxml in web version using insertOoxml() and its throwing RichApi error . Attaching the json of web version script lab error
"name": "RichApi.Error",
"code": "GeneralException",
"traceMessages": [],
"innerError": null,
"debugInfo": {
"code": "GeneralException",
"message": "unknown",
"errorLocation": "Body.insertOoxml",
"statement": "var insertOoxml = body.insertOoxml(...);",
"surroundingStatements": ["var root = context.root;", "var body = root.body;", "// Instantiate {body}", "// >>>>>", "var insertOoxml = body.insertOoxml(...);", "// <<<<<", "// Instantiate {insertOoxml}"],
"fullStatements": ["Please enable config.extendedErrorLogging to see full statements."]
"httpStatusCode": 500
Is the office.js word Api down ? because the same method was working until yesterday night.