I posted this a while back on Super User, but never got a response.
Students fill out some tables in Word, and they must occasionally use a certain color font to get full credit. I'm using VBA to import their data and the color of their font from their submitted documents. Most of this comes out looking correct, but some comes out with yellow or orange font.
The most likely causes would be that the font was colored in those shades in the origin file or that there isn't any cleanup of formats being done before the macro is run again, but I've checked to make sure those aren't the case. As you can see in the pictures, the Word document doesn't show any sign of yellow font. The first picture is the results in Excel, so look at Lab 23 which has a date in yellow font, and compare it to the second picture of Lab 23 which appears in blue font. Code is below for entire script:
Public Sub ImportWordData(folderPath As String)
Dim wordApp As Word.Application
Dim wordDoc As Word.Document
Dim fso As Scripting.FileSystemObject
Dim aFold As Scripting.Folder, aFile As Scripting.File
Dim rngOutput As Range
Dim wRange(0 To 20) As Word.Range
Dim strOutput As String
Dim lColor(0 To 20) As Long, lBColor(0 To 20) As Long
Dim lTable(0 To 1) As Long
Dim i As Long, x As Long, y As Long, z As Long
Set fso = New FileSystemObject
Set aFold = fso.GetFolder(folderPath)
Set wordApp = New Word.Application
Set rngOutput = wksRaw.Range("B2")
lTable(0) = wksStart.Range("G5").Value
lTable(1) = wksStart.Range("G6").Value
For Each aFile In aFold.Files
If InStr(1, aFile.Name, "~") > 0 Or InStr(1, aFile.Name, "Importer") Then GoTo SkipLoop
Set wordDoc = wordApp.Documents.Open(aFold.Path & Application.PathSeparator & aFile.Name)
Call FixHighlights(wordApp, wordDoc)
Set wRange(0) = wordDoc.Tables(lTable(0)).Rows(3).Cells(3).Range
Set wRange(1) = wordDoc.Tables(lTable(0)).Rows(3).Cells(1).Range
lColor(0) = wordDoc.Tables(lTable(0)).Rows(3).Cells(3).Range.Font.Color
lColor(1) = wordDoc.Tables(lTable(0)).Rows(3).Cells(3).Range.Font.Color
Debug.Print ("0: " & lColor(0) & " 1: " & lColor(1))
x = 10
For i = 3 To 10
Set wRange(i - 1) = wordDoc.Tables(lTable(0)).Rows(i).Cells(2).Range
lColor(i - 1) = wordDoc.Tables(lTable(0)).Rows(i).Cells(2).Range.Font.Color
Next i
For i = 2 To 6 Step 2
Set wRange(x) = wordDoc.Tables(lTable(1)).Cell(19, i).Range
lColor(x) = wordDoc.Tables(lTable(1)).Cell(19, i).Range.Font.Color
x = x + 1
Next i
For i = 4 To 13
If i = 8 Then i = 10
Set wRange(x) = wordDoc.Tables(lTable(1)).Cell(i, 2).Range
lColor(x) = wordDoc.Tables(lTable(1)).Cell(i, 2).Range.Font.Color
x = x + 1
Next i
rngOutput.Cells(z + 1, 1).Value = wordDoc.Name
For i = 0 To 20
strOutput = WorksheetFunction.Trim(WorksheetFunction.Clean(wRange(i).Text))
rngOutput.Cells(z + 1, i + 2).Value = strOutput
rngOutput.Cells(z + 1, i + 2).Font.Color = lColor(i)
Next i
z = z + 1
wordDoc.Close False
Next aFile
wksRaw.UsedRange.EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = 15
On Error Resume Next
On Error GoTo 0
wordApp.Quit False
Set fso = Nothing
Set wordDoc = Nothing
Set wordApp = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub
Sub FixHighlights(wApp As Word.Application, wDoc As Word.Document)
Dim oFF As FormField
On Error Resume Next
wDoc.FormFields.Shaded = False
If wDoc.ProtectionType = wdAllowOnlyFormFields Then wDoc.Unprotect
For Each oFF In wDoc.FormFields
oFF.Range.HighlightColorIndex = wdNoHighlight
wDoc.Protect wdAllowOnlyFormFields, NoReset:=True, Password:=""
wApp.ActiveWindow.View.ShadeEditableRanges = False
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub