Hello Thank you for your question and reaching out. I can understand you are having query\issues related to RSAT tool. As it is AD integrated , Hence if you to revoke of Performssion or block from AD DC then it should be also blocked for RSAT. Reference: https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/lync/en-US/7321d5a8-2332-4a77-b29b-b615e3a8ac3a/permissions-remote-server-administration-tool-windows-81?forum=winserverDS --If the reply is helpful, please Upvote and Accept as answer--
Active directory RSAT tools block required
Md. Jabad Hossain
Reputation points
Hi Dear
I am using windows server 2019 with an active directory I have more than 1500 user on my server, as well as 20 users has assign local admin like all are enterprise admin
this time I want to revoke local admin and they was used RSAT tools and manage users (like user create, delete, and update through RSAT Tools)
I need to ensure that any user can't access the RSAT tools on his devices