Export API from Azure API Management and Add it into Power App. But got error "Service could not be created".
Chen, Li-Juan (Louisa Chen, ES-Apps-GD-China-SH)
Reputation point
I defined serveral APIs in API Management. I tried export them with or withou Subscription Key into my PowerApp Environment. And then try to use them in my Power App. But got below error. Service could not be created. 服务配置文件无效。属性“actionName”无效。值“642b9d554d4538acc0c62cc6”对于其数据类型“{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}NCName”无效。 Line 1, position 1548. 会话 ID: 4ce7e556-af00-4cfe-a72b-5b3d8e6b6e5b
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