No work or school account listed, yet still being tracked by enterprise software from ex-employer
Hi, I seem to have enterprise software on my computer that tracks my work, logs my files, etc. There seems to be some Azure and MDM software that's tracking my activity even though I'm using a personal account on my personal device that was never connected to a work or school account. Please note, I just started using this computer after having to take two others offline because realizing that a former employer (from 2 years ago) had continued downloading software onto my personal devices---even though I've made every effort to disconnect from that account.
- My personal Surface was wiped a few days ago after I tried took it offline and attempted to delete the software and some of their tracking files that they had installed; there were far too many to understand. Now, I cannot even reset this surface to factory settings (They used Adobe, Microsoft Teams, and Azure to continue to track my activity. They did the same with my Mac laptop as well. I've taken it offline for now and I cannot work on any of the files on my computer without reconnecting.)
- On my cellphone (which I bought after working at the company), I see my old work email and login prompt in Office 365 within Microsoft Outlook even though I'm logged in on my personal Outlook account. I have attempted to delete this work email and account several times, but keeps appearing, and it's unclear to me how dismantle it (There's record of a "Work or School" account on my phone.
- Most urgently, the screenshot below is from a new laptop that I didn't had when I worked for this company). As you can see from the screenshot, there is no work or school account connected here. Despite this, it appears that that there's some kind of conflict with my personal Office 365 Account and with the account of this former employer. (If I click on the "Accounts/Manage my accounts" button under "Related Settings," I just get a message that the site "cannot be reached." I continue to seem MDM and Azure installing and tracking on this computer.
- There also seem to be conflicts with my Edge, which I tried to dismantle because it wouldn't sync with the rest of my account and appeared to have an extra "Profile 2" (along with a Guest profile) that wasn't compatible or syncing with my personal account profile. After trying to delete Edge, my profile is now syncing and Edge is still visible on laptop but unusable.
There's a lot of extra color here, but my primary question is, if I provide you and your team (offline) with the email address I used for this former employer, can you determine if there's a conflict in my account? (Separately, how do I get this former employer out of my business. Surely, they have no legal or ethical right to continue to surveil my personal devices.) Thank you for your help, ACE