Hello @sam nick , Thanks for the question and using MS Q&A platform. I am not sure as to how you are planning to use this , but I think I was able to do with with split ,replace and join function . For simplicity I started with the below string.
"REF01": "A0F",
"REF02": "1001"
}, {
"REF01": "1L",
"REF02": "DB"
}, {
"REF01": "21",
"REF02": "900D"
}, {
"REF01": "90",
"REF02": "3860496"
- Transformed this into a simpler string by using the dynamic expression
@replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(variables('jsonstring'),'[{','' ),'}, {',','),'}]',''),'"REF01":',''),'"REF02":','')
- Used the string from step 1 and used the split function as added the text in an array
@split(variables('jsonstring1'),',' )
- Used the join function on the array .
@join(variables('array1'),',' )
This is output you have.
Let me know if this helps.
Thanks Himanshu Please accept as "Yes" if the answer provided is useful , so that you can help others in the community looking for remediation for similar issues.