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In order to determine the type of the dragged item and the type of the target item, we need to listen to the TreeView.DragItemsCompleted and TreeView.DragItemsStarting events.
1. DragItemsStarting
private TreeViewNode _tempParent;
private void TreeView_DragItemsStarting(Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls.TreeView sender, Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls.TreeViewDragItemsStartingEventArgs args)
var item = args.Items.First() as TreeViewNode;
if (item != null)
_tempParent = item.Parent;
The purpose of listening to this event is to determine the parent of the dragged item before dragging the item. If the verification fails, we need to add the item to the child again.
2. DragItemsCompleted
private void TreeView_DragItemsCompleted(Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls.TreeView sender, Microsoft.UI.Xaml.Controls.TreeViewDragItemsCompletedEventArgs args)
var parent = args.NewParentItem as TreeViewNode;
var item = args.Items.First();
if (parent == null)
// drag to root
else if(parent.Content is StorageFile) // Your verification conditions
var dragNode = args.Items.First() as TreeViewNode;
After the drag is completed, we will verify that the parent meets the requirements. If it does not, we will remove the item just dragged from the parent and fill it into the original parent.