What raises Webview2 inputs when tablet mode invokes the On screen keyboard

Peterjc 81 Reputation points

Hi, I have an Ionic application running within WebView2 of a WPF application. This was originally hosted by a UWP app. When it was in the UWP, if the user entered an input on a tablet, the OSK use to cover that input, so I had to manually hook into the OSK showing and hiding events, and then shrink the application's main container, so the input would show. After going to .net6 and WebView2, I was also attempting to hook up these events to do the same thing, and having some issue getting it working as per, this post. However, while testing, and NOT having my manual implementation working, I noticed. somehow, the inputs now do seem to jump above the OSK without me doing anything, but I have no idea how this is happening. I WANT this to happen, and glad it looks I don't have to take care of it, but just wondering WHAT is doing this? Could this be WebView2 now taking care of it? (where in the UWP it was using the old IE based web view?) If this is the case, I assume it means I no longer have to worry about it? Thanks in advance for any information

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