I just tried this in my lab and below are the steps to achieve your ask:
Assumption based on your ask: In your Sub: CORP-TEST-AZ-CC & RG: CORP-TEST-ERP-RG you have already configured the VNET and subnets similar to Prod.
You can clone the VM by creating Snapshot of the disks and moving the snapshots to the new Sub and creating disk and then VM using the OS disk.
- Create snapshot of the Disk
- Sign in to the Azure portal.
- Go to the Virtual Machine (PROD-ERP01-VM).
- Select Disks from the settings.
- In the Disk, page select OS disk.
- Select Create snapshot.
- The Create Snapshot window appears.
- Enter a Name for the snapshot.
- Select an existing Resource group or enter the name of a new one.
- Select the Storage type to use to store the snapshot.
- Select Create.
- Move Snapshot to test Subscription
- Go to the RG where the Snapshot is created.
- Select the snapshot and click on Move (move to CORP-TEST-AZ-CC Sub).
- Create disk from Snapshot
- In your test Sub, search for Disk on the Search.
- Select Add
- Select the Resource Group and Region where the Snapshot is located.
- Give a name to the Disk.
- In the Source type Select Snapshot.
- Choose the Snapshot (Moved in Step 2).
- Select Create.
- Create VM from Disk
If you want to create a VM with static private IP address, you must create it using PowerShell or the Azure CLI (refer document).
Ensure you set the CLI to the test subscription using az account set --subscription "CORP-TEST-AZ-CC" command (refer document).
You can use below command and create the VM from the disk (refer cli document):
az vm create -n TEST-ERP01-VM -g CORP-TEST-ERP-RG --attach-os-disk <disk-name> --os-type <os> --private-ip-address ""
If your VM has data disks also, then you need to perform the snapshot and copy snapshot for all of the VM disks.
After creating all the disks in test subscription, then you have to include the --attach-data-disks
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