Hello Thank you for your question and reaching out. I can understand you are having query\issues related to Open file Excel in visual studio 2012. I would like to invite you to have a look on below reference url having the VS code for excel. https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/2e8e9837-7116-40c2-ba90-f02678e915b8/vb-2012-open-excel-file-amp-read-data?forum=vbgeneral --If the reply is helpful, please Upvote and Accept as answer--
I 'd like to know How I can open file excel in visual studio 2012 in a project windows form VB
Roberto Rangogni
Reputation points
I 'd like to know How I can open file excel in visual studio 2012 in a project windows form VB and how to navigate in the worksheets. Thanks