PagedList and Colums VB.Net

Peter Newman 66 Reputation points

Trying to get PagedlList and search working on my MVC project ( I've cut down the code ( index fields) , but I'm struggling to add the pageList to the Index.vbhtml Looking for a simple walkthrough that I can apply to my code and include column sorting and Search, as I need to apply this to other pages

Function Index(ByVal page As Integer?) As ActionResult
            Dim _context As New DynamicsCRMContext
            Dim Tsets = From tsetlst In _context.TransactionSets Where (tsetlst.new_licenceid_id = _selectedLicenceID) Order By tsetlst.new_serialnumber Descending
            Dim PageSize As Integer = 20
            Dim PageNumber As Integer = (If(page, 1))
            Return View(Tsets.ToPagedList(PageNumber, PageSize))
        End Function

@ModelType IEnumerable(Of CBPortal.TransactionSets)

    ViewData("Title") = "Transaction Sets"
End Code

<Table Class="table">
            @Html.DisplayNameFor(Function(model) model.new_serialnumber)

    @For Each item In Model
                @Html.DisplayFor(Function(modelItem) item.new_serialnumber)


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  1. Lan Huang-MSFT 29,251 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Hi @Peter Newman,
    Because I don't know your model and data, I wrote an example of using PagedList in VB.Net MVC View with test data.

    @ModelType PagedList.IPagedList(Of WebVBDemo.QuestionViewModel)
    @Imports PagedList.Mvc
        ViewData("Title") = "Transaction Sets"
    End Code
    <Table Class="table">
        @For Each item In Model
                    @Html.DisplayFor(Function(modelItem) item.QuestionName)
    Page @(If(Model.PageCount < Model.PageNumber, 0, Model.PageNumber)) of @Model.PageCount
    @Html.PagedListPager(Model, Function(page) Url.Action("Contact", New With {page}))
    Function Contact(ByVal page As Integer?) As ActionResult
            Dim questions = {
                New QuestionViewModel With {
                .QuestionId = 1,
                .QuestionName = "Question 1"
            }, New QuestionViewModel With {
            .QuestionId = 1,
            .QuestionName = "Question 2"
            }, New QuestionViewModel With {
            .QuestionId = 1,
            .QuestionName = "Question 3"
            }, New QuestionViewModel With {
            .QuestionId = 1,
            .QuestionName = "Question 4"
            Dim PageSize As Integer = 2
            Dim PageNumber As Integer = (If(page, 1))
            Return View(questions.ToPagedList(PageNumber, PageSize))
        End Function
    Public Class QuestionViewModel
        Public Property QuestionId As Integer
        Public Property QuestionName As String
    End Class

    Best regards,30

    Lan Huang

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