How can I redirect users to different subfolder index page based on date comparison from Web.config appsetting in .NET/ASP.NET IIS hosted site?
I have a requirement. I have a website with following structure: Root Folder -index.html (Landing Page) -web.config -other pages -Assets folders like js/css -SubFolder(FY2223) -index.html -other pages -Assets folders In RootFolder , web.config file, we are maintaining So, if current date is greater or equal to appsettings value date then, we want to redirect to SubFolder(FY2223) index page. Just wanted to check if this kind of redirection is possible using some URL Rewriting rules? I know , we can achieve using javascript, but we have some known challenges with this js approach. Thanks Need some Inetmgr, site settings way to handle this scenario. Not looking JS ways.