Looks like guest account in Tenant B is disabled. I tried the same in my lab tenant and I am able to reproduce the issue.
I disabled the account in Tenant B and pulled the guest user properties using PowerShell. I see as below,
I logged in to tenant A using user credentials and I am able to login. I tried to switch the directory and selected tenant B. I got below error as you had mentioned in your post.
I have re-enabled the account in tenant B using below command,
Set-AzureADUser -ObjectId "xxxxx.onmicrosoft.com#EXT#@xxxxxxx.onmicrosoft.com" -AccountEnabled $true
Now in PowerShell result I am able to see the account is enabled.
I am able to access the tenant B directory using the user account.
To fix this issue you can run above command and the issue will be resolved.
Let me know if you have any further questions.
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