Unable to set managed Virtual Network while creating Azure integration runtime for ADF using Azure CLI

Dibakar Metla 1 Reputation point

Our infra is behind the private endpoint in Azure. I want to create an Azure integration runtime for ADF to access our blob storage using Azure CLI. I got the below command from Azure documents. az datafactory integration-runtime managed create --factory-name --integration-runtime-name --resource-group [--compute-properties] [--description] [--if-match] [--ssis-properties] But the problem is that I cannot set the managed Virtual network using that command. But while using the Azure portal, we can easily set up the managed Virtual network. I share both JSON documents below. You can easily find that the managedVirtualNetwork option not showing in the JSON file of the IR which was created by Azure CLI. Using Azure CLI: { "name": "abp-mdm-qal-uks-sql-ir01", "properties": { "type": "Managed", "typeProperties": { "computeProperties": { "location": "UK South", "dataFlowProperties": { "computeType": "General", "coreCount": 8, "timeToLive": 10, "cleanup": false } } } } } Using Azure Portal: { "name": "integrationRuntimePvtendSql", "properties": { "type": "Managed", "typeProperties": { "computeProperties": { "location": "UK South", "dataFlowProperties": { "computeType": "General", "coreCount": 8, "timeToLive": 10, "cleanup": false, "customProperties": [] }, "pipelineExternalComputeScaleProperties": { "timeToLive": 60 } } }, "managedVirtualNetwork": { "type": "ManagedVirtualNetworkReference", "referenceName": "default" } } } Is there any other Azure CLI command available to set the managedVirtualNetwork?

Azure Data Factory
Azure Data Factory
An Azure service for ingesting, preparing, and transforming data at scale.
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