I think this does what you're asking for.
You would benefit from changing your approach to the data rather than using this. In particular, the EmpId in (@EmpId)
isn't great. I added select cast(value as int) as empid into #empids from string_split(@empids,',')
into my query to split your comma separated list into a table. You could of course just do an inner join to the newly created temp table instead.
Select Empid
from EmpAttendance
where EmpId in (select EmpId from #EmpIds)
and case when charindex('NA',@AttendanceType)>0 and IsAttendance = 1 then 1
when charindex('HO',@AttendanceType)>0 and IsHoliday = 1 then 1
when charindex('SI',@AttendanceType)>0 and IsSick = 1 then 1
end = 1
All in all, this is what my code looks like for what you've provided:
Create Table EmpAttendance
(Empid int, EmpName varchar(max), AttendanceDate datetime, IsAttendance bit, IsHoliday bit, IsSick bit, IsDayOff bit)
INSERT INTO EmpAttendance
IsDayOff )
(1,'AAAA', '2020-10-14',0,1,0,0)
declare @empIds varchar(max)
declare @Attendancetype varchar(max)
set @EmpIds = '1,2,3,4,5,6'
drop table if exists #empids;
select cast(value as int) as empid into #empids from string_split(@empids,',')
set @Attendancetype = 'NA,HO,SI'
Select Empid,Empname,AttendanceDate,IsAttendance,IsHoliday,IsSick,IsDayOff
from EmpAttendance where EmpId in (select EmpId from #EmpIds)
and case when charindex('NA',@AttendanceType)>0 and IsAttendance = 1 then 1
when charindex('HO',@AttendanceType)>0 and IsHoliday = 1 then 1
when charindex('SI',@AttendanceType)>0 and IsSick = 1 then 1
end = 1