Noone seems to notice my Q here ... maybe because it's new forums or ... ?
It has worke so nicely till I was forced tp update from 1803/1809 ... and it seems a little odd to build a new house because water is dripping in your hair ... find the hole in the roof/ceiling instead !
So DON'T ask me to update to 2004 - 1) my problems STARTED with an update ... and 2) I HAVE tried 2004 ... it was even worse, so I downgraded again.
To simplify as much as possible:
I have 3 machines newly RE-installed ALL with Windows 10 PRO
A) version 1903 and 2 shares, the C- and D-Hdrive
B) version 1909 and 1 share, the C-HDrive
C) version 1903 and 1 share, the C-HDrive
I'm logged on to all of them with my MS-account.
ALL machines can acces the SHARES on ALL the other machines = all combinations works well !
BUT when it comes to access via Remote Desktop, Oh, my ...
Now I've moved the A-machine to my office right beside the C-mashine - instead of the B-machine.
A and C have the SAME version/build of Windows 1903 - fully updated.
Remote Desktop only works on A = A can access C via Remote Desktop, but C CAN'T access A via remote Desktop.
Error messages is a MsgBox with these 3 proposals - translated from danish
1) Remote access is not activated ----------------------------------> it IS, I've tested severel times !
2) Remote computer is OFF -----------------------------------------> not at all !
3) Remote computer is not accessable on the network ------------> it IS because I can get access to the shares !!!!!!!
I've compared ALL Firewall rules IN- and OUT-going on A with those on C and C-rules are axactly the same settings as on A and there is the axact same number of rules on the two machines !
What's left that could be wrong ?
Best regards
Aarhus V, Denmark