Based on the error message, it seems that the issue is related to the ANCM (ASP.NET Core Module) failing to start the .NET Core process. Here are a few additional troubleshooting steps you can try:
Check the .NET Core version: Make sure that the .NET Core version used to build the application matches the version installed on the server. You can check the version of .NET Core used to build the application by looking at the runtimeconfig.json file located in the application's output folder.
- Enable detailed error messages: By default, IIS returns a generic HTTP 500 error message without providing any additional information about the underlying issue. You can enable detailed error messages by modifying the web.config file located in the root folder of your application. Add the following snippet under the <system.webServer> section:
hostingModel="inprocess" />
This will enable logging of the stdout stream to a file located in the 'logs' folder of your application.
Check the event logs: In addition to the error message you found earlier, check the Windows Event Viewer for any additional errors or warnings related to your application.
Check the IIS application pool identity: Make sure that the application pool identity has sufficient permissions to access the application's files and folders. You can also try changing the identity to 'LocalSystem' temporarily to see if that resolves the issue.
Try running the application from the command line: Open a command prompt on the server and navigate to the application's output folder. Try running the command 'dotnet MyWebsite.dll' and see if any errors are displayed.