You can use the below command to assign "Reviewer" permission on the Inbox of shared mailbox to the users.
First command to give access on the Top level folder and the second to give to Inbox.
Add-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity Sharedmailbox:\ -User UserName -AccessRights Reviewer
Add-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity Sharedmailbox:\Inbox -User UserName -AccessRights Reviewer
Once done, users can add the shared mailbox to their outlook profile using File-> Account Settings -> advanced -> Add shared mailbox and view only the Inbox.
Create a CSV file with user alias like below and save it as users.csv
use the commands,
Import-Csv users.csv | foreach { Add-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity "SharedMailbox:\" -User $_.alias -AccessRights Reviewer}
Import-Csv users.csv | foreach { Add-MailboxFolderPermission -Identity "SharedMailbox:\Inbox" -User $_.alias -AccessRights Reviewer}
for list of access rights, https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/powershell/module/exchange/add-mailboxfolderpermission?view=exchange-ps