I have created Tasks in the Release Pipeline for doing some copying/deletion of files. The tasks are getting completed without any error but the files are not actually copied to the destination directory or deleted from the path specified. Even I tried using Powershell scripts, still it is getting completed without any error, but no file is copied or deleted. Looks like some error is there but it is being suppressed. Adding debug variable also did not provide much information. I am able to do any file operations manually in the Azure Devops repository, but file copy/delete is not working with automated task. Any idea about this kind of issues or is there any other way to troubleshoot the root cause ?
Sample Logs for Copy File task is given below
2020-10-15T06:15:39.8071853Z ##[section]Starting: Copy Files to: Completed Scripts
2020-10-15T06:15:39.8224754Z ==============================================================================
2020-10-15T06:15:39.8225136Z Task : Copy files
2020-10-15T06:15:39.8225524Z Description : Copy files from a source folder to a target folder using patterns matching file paths (not folder paths)
2020-10-15T06:15:39.8226747Z Version : 2.164.2
2020-10-15T06:15:39.8227458Z Author : Microsoft Corporation
2020-10-15T06:15:39.8227847Z Help : https://learn.microsoft.com/azure/devops/pipelines/tasks/utility/copy-files
2020-10-15T06:15:39.8229282Z ==============================================================================
2020-10-15T06:15:40.1945298Z found 1 files
2020-10-15T06:15:40.1959875Z Copying D:\a\r1\a\artifactoryname1\DBScript\ScriptsToExecute.sql to D:\a\r1\a\artifactoryname1\DBScript\Completed\ScriptsToExecute.sql
2020-10-15T06:15:40.2176236Z ##[section]Finishing: Copy Files to: Completed Scripts