Hi, Prajyot
Check out Azure Price - https://azureprice.net/?tier=spot
You can adjust the VM sizes to include spot compatible VMs.
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Hi all,
I am trying to get a list of virtual machine sizes which supports Azure spot instances in a given location.
I have tried below API :
result of the above API was :
"name": "Standard_B1ls",
"numberOfCores": 1,
"osDiskSizeInMB": 1047552,
"resourceDiskSizeInMB": 4096,
"memoryInMB": 512,
"maxDataDiskCount": 2
I cannot see a tag for the spot instance in the above response. Can you please help me with this?
Hi, Prajyot
Check out Azure Price - https://azureprice.net/?tier=spot
You can adjust the VM sizes to include spot compatible VMs.
You can run below Resource Graph Query
Below query extract all D services VMs supporting SPOT for European region.
| where type =~ 'microsoft.compute/skuspotpricehistory/ostype/location'
| where sku.name matches regex @'(?i)Standard+_(?i)D[0-9]+_v[0-9]'
| where properties.osType in~ ('linux','windows')
| where location in~ ('westeurope', 'norteurope')
| project skuName = tostring(sku.name), osType = tostring(properties.osType), location, latestSpotPriceUSD = todouble(properties.spotPrices[0].priceUSD)
| order by latestSpotPriceUSD asc