Want to integrate Graph API with the Azure app for sending messages to the team's users uisng email

ghulam murtaza 0 Reputation points

I want to send messages on Microsoft Teams using user email.

Microsoft Teams
Microsoft Teams
A Microsoft customizable chat-based workspace.
9,329 questions
Microsoft Graph
Microsoft Graph
A Microsoft programmability model that exposes REST APIs and client libraries to access data on Microsoft 365 services.
10,983 questions
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  1. CarlZhao-MSFT 38,356 Reputation points

    Hi @ghulam murtaza

    Sending messages in team channels on behalf of other users in the organization is currently not supported, only on behalf of logged-in users, because application permissions are only available in migration, you need to create the team and channel in the migration state:

    User's image

    Import messages:

    POST https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/teams/team-id/channels/channel-id/messages
             "displayName":"Joh Doe",
          "content":"Hello World"

    Hope this helps.

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