I think this is what you asked for. For each set of parameters, it will collect the information for all servers and write each servers data to a database table.
Keep in mind that I don't have the software to verify it does what I think it should! Make sure to test!
[string]$Email = "test.com"
Begin {
$modules = @(
# Load modules if not present
if (-not (get-module $modules)) {
Import-AHModule $modules -ErrorAction Stop
Import-Module "SqlServer","dbatools","NetScaler" -Verbose:$false -ErrorAction Stop
# Name of SQL Instance where database is located
$SqlInstance = "dbserv"
# Name of the database
$DbName = "test"
# Name of the schema in which the above database is in
$Schema = "dbo"
# connect to NetScalers using the login nsexsremetrics
if ($env:Winusername) {
Write-verbose "$(Get-date): Creating Secret Server Login" -Verbose
$SecurePassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $env:WinPassword -AsPlainText -Force -ErrorAction Stop
$SSCred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($env:WinUserName, $SecurePassword) -ErrorAction Stop
$NScred = Get-SecretServerCredential -SamAccountName "nsexs" -OperatorCredentials $SSCred -ErrorAction Stop -Verbose:$false
# Get Primary NetScalers
$Netscalers = Get-Primary | select-object -ExpandProperty DNSName
$props = [PSCustomObject]@{Table = "NetScaler_Servicegroup";NSStatType = "servicegroup";NSStatProps = ("name,servicegroupname,effectivestate,servicetype,state" -split ',')},
[PSCustomObject]@{Table = "NetScaler_service"; NSStatType = "service"; NSStatProps = ("name,primaryipaddress,servicetype,state" -split ',')},
[PSCustomObject]@{Table = "NetScaler_stat"; NSStatType = "lbvserver"; NSStatProps = ("name,primaryipaddress,type,state" -split ',')}
Process {
# Collect information from three sets of parameters, for all servers
ForEach ($p in $props){
# Connect to each netscaler and insert its stats into the database table
foreach ($NetScaler in $NetScalers) {
Connect-NetScaler -Hostname $NetScaler -Credential $NScred
Get-NSStat -Type $p.NSStatType |
Where-object { $_.name -notlike "*test*" } |
Select-Object $p.NSStatProps |
Write-SqlTableData -ServerInstance $SqlInstance -DatabaseName $DbName -SchemaName $Schema -TableName $p.Table -Force