recursive CTE seems appropriate, but I'm having trouble

EB 1 Reputation point

Hi All,

I need to return query results of a table with one of the column values updated to that of another row's column value some of the time. What I can't seem to do with LAG or LEAD is use that updated value to determine if a third row's column value should be updated, which is why I think a recursive CTE sounds appropriate.

We have a list of patients hospital stays, with some patients having multiple rows. If a patient's second hospital stay started less than 30 days after their first hospital stay, we want the discharge date of the second hospital stay updated to use the discharge date of the first hospital stay. We want to continue this compare-and-update process for every row (other than the first row) for all of the remaining records for that patient. For example, here's my table:

CREATE TABLE #PatientStays ( PatientID INT , AdmitDate DATE , DischargeDate DATE);
(1, '2020-01-01', '2020-01-05') ,
(1, '2020-01-28', '2020-02-02') ,
(1, '2020-03-15', '2020-03-16') ,
(1, '2020-04-05', '2020-04-11') ,
(2, '2020-01-18', '2020-01-25') ,
(2, '2020-03-01', '2020-03-09') ,
(2, '2020-04-04', '2020-04-06');

And here's how we want the results returned:
SELECT 1 AS PatientID, '2020-01-01' AS AdmitDate, '2020-01-05' AS DischargeDate
UNION ALL SELECT 1, '2020-01-28', '2020-01-05' UNION ALL
SELECT 1, '2020-03-15', '2020-03-16' UNION ALL
SELECT 1, '2020-04-05', '2020-03-16' UNION ALL
SELECT 2, '2020-01-18', '2020-01-25' UNION ALL
SELECT 2, '2020-03-01', '2020-03-09' UNION ALL
SELECT 2, '2020-04-04', '2020-03-09'

Thanks for any help you can provide. I've done some reading on recursive CTE's, but everything I find seems to be more complicated than what I'm trying to do and I get tangled up.

Thanks again,

A Microsoft extension to the ANSI SQL language that includes procedural programming, local variables, and various support functions.
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  1. Tom Cooper 8,471 Reputation points
    ;With cteRN As
    (Select PatientID, AdmitDate, DischargeDate,
       Row_Number() Over (Partition By PatientID Order By AdmitDate) As RN
    From #PatientStays),
    cteDates As
    (Select PatientID, AdmitDate, DischargeDate, RN, 
      DischargeDate As NewDischargeDate
    From cteRN
    Where RN = 1
    Union All
    Select d.PatientID, r.AdmitDate, r.DischargeDate, r.RN, 
      Case When DateDiff(day, d.DischargeDate, r.AdmitDate) < 30 Then d.DischargeDate Else r.DischargeDate End As NewDischargeDate
    From cteDates d
    Inner Join cteRN r On d.PatientID = r.PatientID And d.RN + 1 = r.RN)
    Update s 
    Set s.DischargeDate = d.NewDischargeDate
    From #PatientStays s
    Inner Join cteDates d On s.PatientID = d.PatientID And s.AdmitDate = d.AdmitDate;
    -- Check Result
    Select PatientID, AdmitDate, DischargeDate 
    From #PatientStays
    Order By PatientID, AdmitDate;


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  2. Guoxiong 8,206 Reputation points

    I think your last row of the output is not correct since difference between '2020-03-01' and '2020-04-04' is bigger than 30 days. So it should not be updated. Try this:

        SELECT *, 
            LAG(AdmitDate, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY PatientID ORDER BY AdmitDate) AS PreviousAdmitDate,
            LAG(DischargeDate, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY PatientID ORDER BY DischargeDate) AS PreviousDischargeDate
        FROM #PatientStays
    UPDATE t
    SET t.DischargeDate = CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(DAY, c.PreviousAdmitDate, c.AdmitDate) < 30 THEN c.PreviousDischargeDate ELSE t.DischargeDate END
    FROM #PatientStays AS t
    INNER JOIN CTE AS c ON c.PatientID = t.PatientID AND c.AdmitDate = t.AdmitDate AND c.DischargeDate = t.DischargeDate
    SELECT * FROM #PatientStays
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  3. Tom Cooper 8,471 Reputation points

    In order to handle chains of DischargeDate's (like when you added the new row with an AdmitDate of 2020-04-12, use the following (the only change from my first answer is to use "Then d.NewDischargeDate" instead of "Then d.DischargeDate" in the CASE statement.

    ;With cteRN As
    (Select PatientID, AdmitDate, DischargeDate,
       Row_Number() Over (Partition By PatientID Order By AdmitDate) As RN
    From #PatientStays),
    cteDates As
    (Select PatientID, AdmitDate, DischargeDate, RN, 
      DischargeDate As NewDischargeDate
    From cteRN
    Where RN = 1
    Union All
    Select d.PatientID, r.AdmitDate, r.DischargeDate, r.RN, 
      Case When DateDiff(day, d.DischargeDate, r.AdmitDate) < 30 Then d.NewDischargeDate Else r.DischargeDate End As NewDischargeDate
    From cteDates d
    Inner Join cteRN r On d.PatientID = r.PatientID And d.RN + 1 = r.RN)
    Update s
    Set s.DischargeDate = d.NewDischargeDate
    From #PatientStays s
    Inner Join cteDates d On s.PatientID = d.PatientID And s.AdmitDate = d.AdmitDate;
    -- Check Result
    Select PatientID, AdmitDate, DischargeDate 
    From #PatientStays
    Order By PatientID, AdmitDate;


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  4. Viorel 118.5K Reputation points

    Check an example that does not use recursive CTE:

    drop table if exists #PatientStays
    CREATE TABLE #PatientStays ( PatientID INT , AdmitDate DATE , DischargeDate DATE);
    INSERT INTO #PatientStays VALUES
        (1, '2020-01-01', '2020-01-05'),
        (1, '2020-01-28', '2020-02-02'),
        (1, '2020-03-15', '2020-03-16'),
        (1, '2020-04-05', '2020-04-11'),
        (1, '2020-04-12', '2020-04-13'),
        (2, '2020-01-18', '2020-01-25'),
        (2, '2020-03-01', '2020-03-09'),
        (2, '2020-04-04', '2020-04-06')
    select * 
    from #PatientStays
    order by PatientID, AdmitDate
    with Q1 as 
        select *, lag(DischargeDate) over (partition by PatientId order by AdmitDate) as pdd 
        from #PatientStays
    Q2 as
        select *
        from Q1
        where pdd is null or DATEDIFF(d, pdd, AdmitDate) > 30
    Q3 as
        select ps.*, Q2.DischargeDate as pdd 
        from #PatientStays ps
        inner join Q2 on Q2.PatientID = ps.PatientID and DATEDIFF(d, Q2.DischargeDate, ps.AdmitDate) between 1 and 30
    update Q3
    set DischargeDate = pdd
    select * from #PatientStays
    order by PatientID, AdmitDate
    PatientID   AdmitDate  DischargeDate
    ----------- ---------- -------------
    1           2020-01-01 2020-01-05
    1           2020-01-28 2020-01-05
    1           2020-03-15 2020-03-16
    1           2020-04-05 2020-03-16
    1           2020-04-12 2020-03-16
    2           2020-01-18 2020-01-25
    2           2020-03-01 2020-03-09
    2           2020-04-04 2020-03-09
    1 person found this answer helpful.

  5. EchoLiu-MSFT 14,591 Reputation points

    Hi @EricBragas-0496 ,

    Recursive cte does not seem to solve your problem.

    I have provided another method, the first cte uses the row-number function to mark the row number, and the second cte uses the join and row number to realize the self-joining of the table, so that the data to be compared is placed in the same row. Then you can directly compare the second hospital stay with the first hospital stay, whether the interval exceeds 30 days to update the corresponding data.

    Please check:

     ;with cte  
     as (select *, row_number() over (partition by PatientID order by AdmitDate) rn   
         from #PatientStays)  
     as (select c1.PatientID,c1.AdmitDate,c1.DischargeDate,  
                c2.PatientID PatientID2,c2.AdmitDate AdmitDate2,c2.DischargeDate DischargeDate2  
         from cte c1  
         left join cte c2 on c1.PatientID = c2.PatientID AND c1.rn-1 = c2.rn )  
     update #PatientStays  
     set DischargeDate = case when datediff(day,c.AdmitDate2,c.AdmitDate)<30    
                              then c.DischargeDate2 else #PatientStays.DischargeDate end   
     from cte2 c  
     where  #PatientStays.PatientID=c.PatientID AND #PatientStays.AdmitDate = c.AdmitDate   
            AND #PatientStays.DischargeDate = c.DischargeDate  
     select * from #PatientStays    


    If you have any question, please feel free to let me know.
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