SQL Logs reporting multiple "Login failed for domain\Computer...." Error: 18456 every minute. How do I resolve this?

Lee Calcutt-Scott 1 Reputation point

New SQL Server build. Comprises of 2x Azure VMs "LiveDB1" and a "LiveDB2". Configured with WSFC and Always On HA. There is an Availability Group listener that is load-balanced using Azure Load Balancer.

The system is being tested currently and it actually works well so far. Databases are replicating, failover works as it should and the client software is able to communicate with the databases.

But the SQL logs are full of the below errors. Every minute a few of these errors appear. So something is not quite right..

**Login failed for user 'EXCH_DOMAIN_1\LiveDB2$'. Reason: Could not find a login matching the name provided. [CLIENT:

SQL Server on Azure Virtual Machines
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  1. Rahul Randive 8,766 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    Hi @Lee Calcutt-Scott

    Thanks for your question.

    Login failed for user 'EXCH_DOMAIN_1\LiveDB2$'

    The error message means that the user connecting to SQL Server (with the used connection string) don't have permissions to logon.

    So, you may need to also check your application side which SQL login is used and need create the login on your SQL Server and grant permissions for it.

    Thank you!

  2. Lee Calcutt-Scott 1 Reputation point

    This is now resolved. The SQL Logs were a red herring. It was not the computer account that was failing to login. I'm not sure why the SQL logs say "Login failed for user 'EXCH_DOMAIN_1\LiveDB2$'."

    When it is actually the 'NT SERVICE\SSISScaleOutMaster150'. that was failing to login.

    After creating a login for this account and giving it 'ssis_admin' permissions, the errors stopped.