Need logic for sending email

Cenk 991 Reputation points

Hi guys,

I am working on a worker service. I am getting data from the SQL server and converting it into an IEnum object with Dapper.

private async Task GetData()
            var connString = _configuration["ConnectionStrings:Production"];
            await using var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(connString);

            await using var command = new SqlCommand { Connection = sqlConnection };
            const string sql =
                @"select c.Pin, c.Serial, gcr.productCode, gcr.productDescription, gcr.purchaseStatusDate, gcr.totalPrice, o.orderBy,,,                         o.orderNo, as OrderDetailId
                           from GameConfirmResponses gcr
                           inner join Coupons c ON gcr.Id = c.ConfirmResponseID
                           inner join OrderDetail od ON od.referenceId = gcr.referenceId
                           inner join Orders o On o.orderNo = gcr.clientTrxRef
                           where od.status = 2";
			//Using Dapper
            var results = await sqlConnection

Here is the screenshot of data getting from database.


I would like to send emails based on orderNo. As you can see from the screenshot, 2 emails (628CG9895K with 6 records and 879BP2934N with 2 records) should be sent based on orderNo. How can I achieve this logic?

Here is a portion of email method:

private async Task SendEmail(IEnumerable<OrderEmailDto> result)
        var sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.AppendLine("Dear " + Coupons.orderBy + ",");
        sb.AppendLine("<br />");
        sb.AppendLine("<br />");
        sb.AppendLine("Your order has been successfully completed. Thank you for choosing us.");
        sb.AppendLine("<br />");
        sb.AppendLine("<br />");

        sb.Append("<table border='1'>");
        foreach (var code in result)
            sb.Append($"<td>Product: <b>{code?.ProductCode}</b></td>");
            sb.Append($"<td>Description: <b>{code?.ProductDescription}</b></td>");
            sb.Append($"<td>Pin: <b>{code?.Pin}</b></td>");
            sb.Append($"<td>Serial: <b>{code?.Serial}</b></td>");


        sb.AppendLine("<br />");
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Accepted answer
  1. Sedat SALMAN 13,345 Reputation points

    Here's an example of how you can modify your SendEmail method

    private async Task SendEmail(IEnumerable<OrderEmailDto> result)
        // Grouping the orders based on the order number
        var groupedOrders = result.GroupBy(o => o.OrderNo);
        foreach (var orderGroup in groupedOrders)
            var sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.AppendLine($"Dear {orderGroup.First().OrderBy},");
            sb.AppendLine("<br />");
            sb.AppendLine("<br />");
            sb.AppendLine("Your order has been successfully completed. Thank you for choosing us.");
            sb.AppendLine("<br />");
            sb.AppendLine("<br />");
            sb.Append("<table border='1'>");
            foreach (var code in orderGroup)
                sb.Append($"<td>Product: <b>{code?.ProductCode}</b></td>");
                sb.Append($"<td>Description: <b>{code?.ProductDescription}</b></td>");
                sb.Append($"<td>Pin: <b>{code?.Pin}</b></td>");
                sb.Append($"<td>Serial: <b>{code?.Serial}</b></td>");
            sb.AppendLine("<br />");
            // ...
            // Send the email here. You need the email of the recipient and the email content.
            // You can get the recipient's email from any object in the orderGroup.
            string recipientEmail = orderGroup.First().Email;
            string emailContent = sb.ToString();
            // Send the email based on your preferred way (SMTP, MailKit, SendGrid, etc.)
            // await SendTheEmail(recipientEmail, emailContent);

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