Migrate your Azure CDN Standard from Akamai profiles to other CDN

Terenzio Pisanelli 30 Reputation points

We recevied the Email to migrate our CDN from Akamai profiles to other CDN until 31.10.2023.

In the Email Microsoft write that if no migration happen:

=> "will be migrated by Azure CDN product engineering to another Azure CDN profile with feature and pricing parity beginning 1 November 2023."

This mean that on 1. November2023 we have automatically a new CDN Profiles, and we can also manage it, change configs, activate features etc... (without do any migration)? Base Url will also be mantained? this can cause a downtime?

I'm also confused, becouse in the same Email Microsoft write:
"After 31 October 2023, you'll no longer be able to access or modify previously created Azure CDN Standard from Akamai profiles."

Thanks for the clarification

Azure Front Door
Azure Front Door
An Azure service that provides a cloud content delivery network with threat protection.
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