Why are Categories and showAs not propagated to Attendee's calendars?

Harig, George William 26 Reputation points

I have an Equipment calendar that I call The-Master-On-Call-Calendar, and I'm using it to show a users On-call schedule.

The reason it is an equipment calendar is so that events are auto accepted, I was told that shared calendars can not auto-accept. I also set the calendar to allow conflicts, I never want an event not to be created because of a conflict.

An event created on the The-Master-On-Call-Calendar is not for the user to decide if they should accept the event or not, their manager placed them there and have no choice in the matter, if they need to be rescheduled they can contact their manager.

When I create a new event I always set the following properties:

showAs = free --I never want an event to be displayed as busy, and I do not want it to have conflicts with other event

categories = [ cat1, cat2, .....] one or more categories depending on the role of the on-call user

isAllDay = true

transactionId = a guid from the database to prevent duplicate on-call events

allowNewTimeProposals = false

responseRequested = false


dateTime = the start date of the user being oncall

timeZone ='Pacific Standard Time'


dateTime the end date of the user being oncall

timeZone ='Pacific Standard Time'

[attendees] (usually one or more but could be zero)


address = a users email address or could also be another calendars email (Some of our groups want a shared calendar to receive an event, in addition to the user)

name = the User or Calendars name

type = required because the users does not have a choice, when they are scheduled for on-call they got to do it.

So the things I have noticed when creating an event on the Master Calendar is that every thing is perfect, however on the attendees calendars things are not so great, the event is created, however the categories are not passed through, nor is the showAs = free, it satates busy, and the Timezone on the start and end date states UTC not Pacific Standard Time

Any Help with what knob to turn or lever to pull would be gratefully appreciated



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