Network drives not showing up in the Windows Explorer environment may be due to Microsoft's use of User Account Control, which suppresses the display of network drives.
For solving this problem, you can follow the following steps:
1.Click on the "Start" button and type "Regedit" in the files box. Press the "Enter" to open the program of the registry editor.
2.Explore the given address: llHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System
3.create a new "DWORD Value." For creating the DWORD Value, click right and select the key.
4.Rename the entered value as EnableLinkedConnections and click right for modifying the entered value to 1. This action will enable you to enable the "administrator in Admin Approval Mode" user form and all other User Account Control (UAC).
5.Click "OK" to save the new value in the file box. Plus, exit the "Registry Editor" and restart your device.