Hello @Nikos Fotiou
Thank you for your question, I understand that you have an issue with NFS PVC in AKS using Blob storage.
This error message indicates that the server cannot find the specified file or directory. You can try the following steps to resolve the issue:
- Check if the file or directory exists in the specified location.
- Check if the file or directory has the correct permissions.
- Check if the file or directory is accessible from the server.
- Check if the NFS server is running and accessible.
- Check if the NFS share is properly configured and mounted.
- Check if the firewall is blocking the NFS traffic.
- Check if the network connectivity is stable and reliable.
If for some reason, the mount operation on Pods is failing, you can check at the Node level with the following commands
mkdir /Path
mount -o sec=sys,vers=3,nolock,proto=tcp azstorageblobtest.blob.core.windows.net:/BlobStorageName/Name /Path
for more information please check the sample from this document and try the same: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/aks/azure-csi-blob-storage-provision?tabs=mount-nfs%2Csecret#storage-class-using-nfs-protocol
Also please check the full example: Mount Azure Blob containers with NFS in AKS Cluster
if it worked you have to check the path mounted by PVC to the pod.
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