I have the following VBA code to create a vCard QR Code, but need to add an image on the QR code and not finding anything that shows me how to do that. Any help?
Sub generateQRCode()
strURL = "https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?cht=qr"
For intRow = 2 To 5
strFname = Trim(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Contact_Info").Range("A" & intRow).Text)
strLname = Trim(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Contact_Info").Range("B" & intRow).Text)
strEmail = Trim(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Contact_Info").Range("C" & intRow).Text)
strCompn = Trim(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Contact_Info").Range("D" & intRow).Text)
strVCF = ""
strVCF = strVCF & "BEGIN:VCARD" & Chr(10)
strVCF = strVCF & "VERSION:3.0" & Chr(10)
strVCF = strVCF & "N:" & strLname & ";" & strFname & Chr(10)
strVCF = strVCF & "ORG:" & strCompn & Chr(10)
strVCF = strVCF & "FN:" & strFname & Chr(10)
strVCF = strVCF & "EMAIL:" & strEmail & Chr(10)
strVCF = strVCF & "END:VCARD"
ThisWorkbook.Sheets("Contact_Info").Range("I" & intRow) = strVCF
strChs = "&chs=174" & "x" & "174"
strCh1 = "&chl="
strFinalURL = strURL & strChs & strCh1 & strVCF
Dim pic As Object, sh As Shape
ActiveSheet.Range("J" & intRow).Select
Set pic = ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert(strFinalURL)
pic.Top = ActiveSheet.Range("J" & intRow).Top
pic.Left = ActiveSheet.Range("J" & intRow).Left
End Sub