Getting a restriction notice on accessing Pro workspaces when I have a Pro account

Kate Loftin 0 Reputation points

I have had access to both of these listed workspaces without fail, except for this morning.My workspaces

I went to upload data to the "PowerBI Weekly Reports" workspace and received this restriction notification.

Restricted notice

In trying to troubleshoot why my access was restricted to that workspace, I checked what my current setting status was with licensing, and I have a Pro license.

Current settings

To access the "PowerBI Weekly Reports", the system is telling me I need to have a Pro license. And as you can see, that is the current license I possess. I need to be able to upload data to this workspace so my colleagues can access it. I don't know if something got reset, but it appears to be that I have all the credentials to access that workspace still. Can someone please check on the admin side (back end) and let me know what glitch is occurring?

Thank you

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